a team working nights, weekends and holidays, whose sole task is to facilitate the highest level of health and harmony in your life. With Daily Brilliance Activation, you get just that.
Daily Brilliance Activation is vibrational support, a daily energetic tune-up to boost your energy and brighten your outlook. Using remote healing techniques and sound, light and energy technologies, I work with my team in Spirit to connect to your energy signature and shift blocks to greater health and well-being.
By seeing you in your native happy, healthy and healed state, I help activate those patterns in your life. Your job is to remain open and curious. During our work together, you will experiment with new thoughts, beliefs, behaviors and actions to allow the clearing on the energetic level to integrate into your daily physical experience.
With each Daily Brilliance Activation service, you will receive daily vibrational support in alignment with your original divine blueprint. The body's energy centers are cleared and rebalanced using light, sound and other distant healing technologies. In addition to daily support, you will receive an email each week with suggestions, exercises and practices to integrate the energetic upgrades into your daily life.
How does it work?
Energy work is a bit like acupuncture - only without needles and from a distance. By connecting my higher spiritual guidance with yours, I tune into the field of subtle energies to shift frequencies in your body and field. This can include clearing heavy energy to help mobilize the body's own healing systems, shifting dense energy associated with mental and emotional debris and harmonizing the energy centers of the body for optimal health and wellness.
Do I need to be meditating or sleeping when the Daily Brilliance Activation is happening?
No. The vibrational support is activated at different times each day, so you are able to go about your daily activities uninterrupted.
Do you need to know the specifics about my problem or issue?
It is not necessary to share the details of your situation, although you are welcome to provide this information at the start of our work together.
Is Daily Brilliance Activation suitable for children? What about animals?
Is it important to believe in energy, spirits or the soul for this process?
The efficacy of Daily Vibrational Activation does not require belief but it does require an open mind. The key ingredients for successfully working with this energy are curiosity, openness and a willingness to question what you currently think, do and believe.
"My anxiety is gone. Thank you sooo much!"
- HS (Salt Lake City, UT)
"The mental fog I have had has lifted. I feel like I have more energy. The big change that I truly appreciate is my mood and basic outlook. I feel lighter."
- CH (Lincoln, NE)
"I experienced less inflammation in my body and better sleep. I also noticed beliefs that do not serve me. The energy has been a wonderful gift."
- BG (New Bedford, MA)
As a transformational catalyst and guide, Karin combines ancient shamanic wisdom, intuitive abilities and her own direct experiences in conscious creation to facilitate welcome change in others. She holds a Master-Level Certification in Shamanic Energy Medicine from the Four Winds Society and a Master Certification in Reiki. Karin has facilitated Andean and African Wisdom Tradition ceremonies in seven countries and supports hundreds of people around the globe to reconnect with nature and their innate brilliance.
Using the power of consciousness and the unified field, Karin energetically supports your highest expression of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. When you work with Karin and experience her gifts, you can feel stronger, more centered, lighter, energized, peaceful, optimistic and refreshed. Expect surprises!
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