The Power of One Project

Physical Connection

Calling all peace seekers, meditators, Earth stewards, healers, visionaries, nature lovers and agents of change.

Join us as we come together to inspire one another and co-create the brighter world we want to live in.

The intention of The Power of One Project is to demonstrate how one person, without a huge platform or following, can reach thousands of people and positively impact the world. For the next several months, we do that with physical connection.

Physical Connection Global Activation & Healing

There is a lot of healing to be done in our post-pandemic world around physical connection and touch. These last few years have given us a powerful reminder that life is short, precious and unpredictable. That real connection matters.

While Zoom meetings and social media allow for greater connectivity, there is no substitute for in person, face-to-face interaction. Real connection requires in-person contact. That connection doesn't have to be exclusively with people. It can be with an animal, a tree, the birds or the sun.

As part of this Physical Connection focus, we strengthen our personal relationships, widen our circle of connections and offer hugs and kindness to all of life. Join us!

Are you in? Scroll down and click "Count me in" to sign up and "Support the Project" to contribute to a brighter world.

Together we harness the power of group intention and focus for personal, planetary and collective healing, while creating the world we've been longing for:

  • Join the Hug Experiment
  • Participate in a global lovingkindness meditation on August 24 to expand the field of collective awareness
  • Design your own Day of Kindness and share your creative acts with our community of like-minded change agents


I felt called to do more than write another article for my newsletter. These times require something more. Was I really contributing to a better and brighter world or was I just deluding myself? Part of me said, "Even if no one ever read or experienced your work, it matters." To which another part responded, "Oh yeah? Prove it." Thus, The Power of One Project was born. My intention is to demonstrate how one person can reach thousands and positively impact the world. You can too. Click below to sign up and add your support.

Count me in!


This project is being offered using the principle of the gift, which means there is not a fixed price to participate. Participants decide for themselves what amount feels right, clear and fair, reflecting their financial condition, their desire to support the work, as well as their feeling of value and gratitude. Zero is also welcome. Part of bringing the new reality into the here-and-now means contributing our gifts to the world, so I offer this project as a contribution, trusting the generosity of participants to support this and future Power of One projects.

Global Regeneration with Trees

Together we have raised funds to plant 1,801 new trees around the world and we're just getting started. With humans destroying an area of forest the size of a football field every two seconds, every day, there is much more work to be done. Help get more trees in the ground by supporting tree planting groups in your area, by planting a tree yourself or by adding your support by clicking "Support the Project" above. Thank you!

Deliberate Acts of Kindness

Join our monthly Dedicated Day of Kindness, where we set aside an entire day to practice compassion and kindness toward others, the planet and ourselves. Here's how it works: from the minute you wake up until the moment you go to sleep, decide to practice kindness and actively look for ways to spread kindness around. Warning: Side effects from a Day of Kindness may include unusual optimism, strong feelings of gratitude, spontaneous smiling and an urge to hug people.